The collaborative process of web development requires close integration of technology and design – two disciplines that inform one another. We make hip and exciting web sites. Big and Small. Concept development, interface design, production management.
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Universal easily and efficiently scales your project with one code base. Amazing solution for portfolio websites which you can fit for freelancers, photographers or agency showcase.
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Universal is the perfect template for your next project! It’s time to grow your business. Go make something awesome. Designed for Everyone. Let’s give your website a brand.
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With the long awaited enforcement of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) on 1 July 2020, this scenario is now highly unlikely.
Cost recovery relates directly to costs incurred by businesses, simply by doing business. According to the Strategic CFO, cost recovery is defined as “the method to recovering an expenditure which a business takes on.
The South African Banking Risk Centre (SABRIC) has warned that a major data breach at Experian has exposed the personal information of as many as 24 million South Africans and nearly 793,749 business entities to a suspected fraudster.
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Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasure, and you can create for the world a destiny more sublime that ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer.
Sir Walter Scott
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Moeletsi Attorneys
The AJS implementation process was efficient. AJS is a business partner. They held my hand throughout the process.
BE Accounting
The latest version from AJS has placed them way above anything else available in the Legal accounting and management space. It is, simply put, the best system that I have ever worked on - and I have worked on many systems.
Nkobi Attorneys Inc.
The online training is efficient, the instructors do allow time for questions and clarities. AJS support staff is very helpful and they attend to your queries timeously and expeditiously.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us. A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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